Live Like A Yogi: The Ayurvedic Way To Health & Happiness

Live Like A Yogi: The Ayurvedic Way To Health & Happiness




10 Weeks to Transform Your Health

Next Group Program Starts April, 2022!

Classes meet weekly at Heart Space Yoga Center, date and times to be determined!


Ayurveda, The Secret To Health & Happiness

Live Like A Yogi is also a 10-week Private -one on one transformational course, based on the wisdom of Yoga and science of Ayurveda and optimal daily rhythms.

Here YOU will learn how to deeply nourish yourselves and be sensitive to our body’s innate wisdom, discover better energy, stronger immunity, and a deep connection to what you most truly desire.

Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge = Is a system of natural healing that originates in the Vedic culture of India. The philosophy behind Ayurveda is the balance and integration between our environment, mind, body and spirit. When we come into better balance, and optimize our systems, a natural joy begins to emerge, We experience greater freedom, vibrant health, and a strong sense of purpose. sense of purpose,

The Benefits

Practicing Yoga and Ayurveda is a great way to regain your well being, both physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s also the perfect way to relax and unwind after a busy summer.

Ayurveda brings you back home to you and teaches you how to honor your bodies basic requirements to heal. The rhythms and practices of Ayurveda also help to prepare your body and mind for the colder months of fall and winter. Healthy habits build strong immunity and slow the aging process to keep you feeling great!

These are only some of the many benefits that you will reap with our Live Like A Yogi course:


Reduced inflammation levels


Your immunity will increase – just in time for flu season


You will feel more grounded and steady


Ayurveda will also help you remove toxins from your system


Improved digestion


You will feel less stressed out and experience more happiness


You’ll experience a natural increase in energy levels

The Live Like A Yogi course is a 10 week program that will help you regain your energy, strength, physical and emotional well being. You’ll feel healthier, happier and ready for the upcoming months.

NEW! ONLINE “Do it yourself, Live Like a Yogi”

Live Like A Yogi : A Supportive Community

The Live Like A Yogi course is not just about the amazing art and science of Yoga and Ayurveda it’s about connection and support!

Be witness to yourself and others as you open to grow and shed what no longer serves to embrace a healthier, more empowered YOU!!! Live Like a Yoga provides a community of like-minded and supportive members. When we allow ourselves to be seen we heal at a much deeper level.

Embark on your journey of natural healing with a strongly rooted support system – You are never alone!

This Is What You Will Learn:


Easy meditation, breathing, mantra and lifestyle practices


How to live with more intention, awareness and happiness


How to connect with seasonal rhythms


Ancient, Universal, and life affirming ways to view life.


How to get yourself “unstuck” and into healthy habits that unlock greater freedom!


Habit change science. -Understand the root of behaviors AND change your life for the better in a way that lasts!

Professional Guidance

The Live Like A Yogi course is led by Andrea Thibaudeau, the owner and director of the Heart Space Yoga Center. She’s an inspirational teacher and has been practicing yoga since the late 1980’s.

Andrea will help you discover your unique gifts and explore your own divinity so you can transform your life.

Andrea’s passion and decades of experience in teaching diverse systems of Yoga (Iyengar, Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinni and therapeutic styles) will help you regain your balance, wellbeing and happiness.

She will teach you how to use the wisdom of Ayurveda in your daily life, so you can feel more grounded, energetic and ready to take on life’s challenges.

With her 15 years of experience as a primary yoga instructor, Andrea will invite you to discover the real possibilities that lie within you, so you can reach your full potential.

NEW! ONLINE “Do it yourself, Live Like a Yogi”

Embark on a beautiful journey of healing and happiness – We guarantee you will experience profound results! Schedule a free conversation HERE to learn more: (802) 626-3398 or email us here.

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

It’s that time again! The seasonal shift is here.

Ayurveda recognizes the shift in seasons, and how they affect our body, health, and immune system. Fall time is a time to release excess summer heat and cleanse the body in order to prepare for the decrease of light and colder temperatures.

How would it feel for you to stay healthy through the winter months? Have you been getting sick a lot in past winters? Imagine no more achy joints or coughs that last for three months! Would you like to learn what you can do to improve your well being and immunity?

All those summer BBQ’s and beer….. It’s time for a new chapter. Fall is time for nourishment. Optimally, even our food choices shift with the seasons for balanced and deep nourishment.

If you or someone you know is interested in turning the clocks back to feel younger, more energized, healthy, vibrant, and clear with purpose, please click on this link HERE to schedule a free conversation with Andrea.

Here’s an Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy:



I’ll be teaching easy tips like this in the upcoming Live Like a Yogi program. This 10 Week program includes:

  • 1-1 guidance through a safe, personally designed cleanse (The first three weeks)
  • One, 3 hour weekly class Fridays for 10 weeks starting Oct. 14
  • 1-1 laser coaching with me to help trouble shoot and engineer practical habit change strategies that work
  • Access to a private FB group for peer support
  • More!

If you or someone you know is interested in turning the clocks back to feel younger, more energized, healthy, vibrant, and clear with purpose, please click on this link HERE.

Let’s schedule a time to chat about how this program can help you get you started on a track toward your best health, better energy, and increased immunity. I would love to talk with you!


10 Tips to Help With Stress

10 Tips to Help With Stress

10 Tips to Help With Stress

Have you ever wished there was more than one of you??   This is one definition of STRESS.  I know this thought well….. If there was just one more of me to be the super Mom, the career specialist, a loving and attentive wife, one to be super fit, one to just clean the house, one to serve my community, one to grow my own food and design the most awesome meals -everything from scratch of course etc. I could go on but  I think I’ve made myself clear.  The problem is, I have not reached a point -yet, I can make this happen.  It’s just me.  One, single, “Me” to take on ALL I WANT TO DO and do well.

With energy moving in so many directions it’s easy to become stressed out and feel overwhelmed.  I know this for a fact, because, I’ve been there!  A couple of years ago I started to notice a deterioration in my health.  My joints were achy, I had less energy, I was catching colds, and in general, just feeling out of sorts!  I had become depleted.  Luckily, I found my way back to vibrant health through better self care routines.

Yoga has been my savior or my Savitur in Sanskrit for more than half my life.  In my practice I am able to find the present moment where love abides and fear diminishes.  In the Truth of who I am, I gain perspective.  It is here I learn to love myself in the process of all I’m moving through.

BUT, to live like a yogi and to experience vibrant health, it takes MORE than just a few 90 minute classes per week!  The techniques of Ayurveda (aka “the Sister Practice to Yoga) have literally saved both my physical health and my sanity.

HERE IS A LIST of what you can do.  This stuff really works too!  You will be surprised at the new you!  When you find life speeding up, anchor yourself down with more predictable routines and self care practices.   You’ll soon find a more grounded, spacious reality.  This list of suggestions below are some techniques I use to manage stress. They allow me to be an active, involved Mom, studio owner, teacher trainer, and health coach.  Also, I have come to recognize the fact that when I start wishing there were 10 more of me, maybe I’m doing a little too much!

– If you would like to know more about how you can improve your health and quality of life through Yoga and Ayurvedic self care routines, SIGN UP for a free strategy session with me.  Take a positive step toward feeling great, healing yourself and loving your life again!

10 Tips to Help With STRESS

  1. SIMPLIFY YOUR DIGESTION. Make it easy. One less struggle. Eat early. 6:00 pm is optimal, but do what you can to make small change! For supper think “supplemental”. Eat light, such as soups, salads etc. Save your heartier proteins for your midday meal when your digestion is at it’s peak!
  2. UNPLUG: After dinner is time to relax and digest. It is the Kapha time of night which is best for quality time with loved ones in the way of connection and bonding, light exercise (go for a walk), and winding down for better sleep. Limit or avoid screen time altogether specifically phones / computers, social media, emails, business and or news that creates stress.
  3. LIGHTS OUT BY 10:00 pm: According to nature’s rhythms and the Ayurvedic clock, your energy increases after 10 pm. If you stay up too late, you’ll catch your “second wind”, and have a harder time falling asleep when you finally do go to bed. This makes for a restless night. Catch the wave of the downward, settled energy and tuck yourself in by 10.
  4. SELF MASSAGE (Abhyanga): Prepare for sleep in a sacred, intentional way. Get some coconut, sesame, almond, or some other natural oil and massage your feet. Anyone can do it! You don’t have to be a therapist! This gentle act of self care / love is deeply soothing and nourishing for the Soul! *Use relaxing essential oils such as lavender and vetiver to ground and calm your anxiety.
  5. JOURNAL BRIEFLY: Write down what you learned from the day, what you are grateful for. Also, jot out what still needs to be dealt with or “cleaned up” in the way of business or relationships. Writing this stuff out on paper will help you release it from your mind. You can refer to what you write the next day when you are ready to face the world!
  6. BODY SCAN: Take a few minutes once you get in bed to consciously breathe. Do a body scan. Notice any areas of your body you are aware of sensation. Breathe into those spaces. Ask yourself what it’s all about? If the parts of your body that feel painful and stressed could talk, what would they say? If your body had a voice, how would it communicate with you? Take note. If you learn something, write it down! SLEEP DEEPLY Eight hours is optimal!
  7. AWAKE with the sunrise! This is the time of Brahma Muhurta. , The yogi’s for centuries have been waking up at this auspicious time when cosmic and universal energies are the most clear and resounding. This is the time before the busy-ness sets in, the magical time of dawn.
  8. PRAY: This is active meditation. Offer gratitude, ask for help, set your intentions, send blessings, ask for blessings, protection, inspiration, love, whatever you need to help yourself and greater serve the world!
  9. MEDITATE: This is where you simply receive. Open yourself to guidance. Just sit, just listen. Watch the breath. Watch the mind, when it wanders, and it will, lovingly guide it back to the breath and just listen with pure, present awareness. Even if you are able to sit in silence for a total of 5 minutes, you have succeeded. Even this short amount of time can change your life immeasurably!
  10. OPEN TO GRACE: Remember, you are PURE, FREE, and FOREVER! The essence of you is never ending and limitless. Even when you are bogged down by mundane details of the human experience, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE, and in the long run…”Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it’s all small stuff”. YOU ARE HELD. SEE THE GLASS HALF FULL. TRY A MANTRA. Words can powerfully shift your thoughts and experiences. It can be a sacred prayer or invocation, a name for the DIVINE, or something simple like….”I feel good, I feel fine” “I am o.k.” “All is well”


Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings be happy may all beings be at peace.

What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?

Have you noticed a longing inside of you to grow?   Do you want to expand and express your life more fully, freely, joyfully?  Do you wonder about your purpose and how you can most appropriately serve?  This is the calling of your heart!
In the presence of this desire, perhaps you are also aware that something holds you back……
What’s Holding You Back? What prevents you from making the changes you know you most need to make?  These are questions wellworth investigating!
Yoga is the science and study of Freedom.  Ayurveda is the science of life.  Both of these ancient practices have been here for thousands of years.  Every day yoga awareness is growing in our culture. Yesterday was evenNational Yoga Day!  But in my opinion, yoga is not a fad.  The wisdom of this practice can tap you in to your potential, lead you to your Truth, and open you to what is possible.  This my friends, is changing the world!
Popular now in science is a growing study called -Habit Evolution, or Habit Change Science.  Even these modern explorations are reworking what yoga and Ayurveda have already established some 2,500 years ago.
In yoga, there is a concept  called identification.  Through the process of Self study (Svadhyaya) we are able to see more clearly the patterns we have adopted that limit our health and experience.  This knowledge is awareness.  This is the first step.  Once we are aware of what holds us back, we can then start replacing those patterns one little baby step at a time. (This is where habit change science steps in.)  We can learn the tricks to make conscious ,choices.  Choices that no longer hold us back and keep us stuck, but take us in the direction of our Dreams!
Exciting ins’t it!
If this sounds like a good conversation to you, join me this Friday 6/24/16 @6:00 pm for a 75 min. FREE talk at Heart Space Yoga.  The name of the talk is Yoga Tips for Stress, but within this broad title, we will focus on how to get out of the stuck and stressful, and change the habits that wear us down and stress our bodies.  There are proven steps you can  take that not only heal your body, but also bring you into greater integrity with your energy, life, and purpose!
In case we haven’t met, my name is Andrea Thibaudeau, and I am a Yoga Instructor / Studio Owner / and Yoga Health Coach.  In this Free Talk, I will share some simple techniques for positive self change!  
Learning the daily rhythms and potent practices of Ayurveda and self care, have changed my life forever!  Looking back, I see how my yoga practice in the past, while it has always served me, was incomplete without this knowledge to back it up.  I have been deeply immersed in an Ayurvedic Yoga Health Coach certification program for the past year and a half, and I am loving it!  So much has changed for me.   
I am very excited to share the tools I have learned with those in my community that are ready to heal and make change for a more intentional, vibrant, and purposeful life! 
If you are interested in learning more about how I can help you shift your health and life for the better, Sign up HERE for a Free Strategy phone session with me.
I hope you can join me for one of these Free Talks at my studio and help spread the word!
Wishing you THE BEST!


Early registration benefits for teacher training 2018

Early registration benefits for teacher training 2018

Early registration benefits for teacher training 2018

Early Bird = Sign up by July 31st 2017 -start your training early!  Be one of 5 people to receive these awesome benefits!

Early Bird Special includes the following benefits:

  • Save $100 on Program cost  for a total of $2,400
  • Half Price entry to: Heart Of Yoga In Depth Immersion  -Highly recommended for T.T. students!
  • Free access to online Ayurveda resources and Live Like a Yogi coaching.
  •  BOOKS!– Get them early and begin your deep dive into yoga!
  •  FREE Private Yoga/Ayurveda consultation with Andrea once you are registered and enrolled.
  • Access to your peers for discussions and support in a Closed Facebook Group
  • 10 Free public yoga classes activated when program begins March 2018
  • Yoga Alliance approved:   Upon completion of this course and requirements, you qualify for National Certification as a Registered Yoga Teacher.  Although, this program may also be taken simply as a life enrichment without certification as your goal.