Live Like A Yogi: The Ayurvedic Way To Health & Happiness

Live Like A Yogi: The Ayurvedic Way To Health & Happiness




10 Weeks to Transform Your Health

Next Group Program Starts April, 2022!

Classes meet weekly at Heart Space Yoga Center, date and times to be determined!


Ayurveda, The Secret To Health & Happiness

Live Like A Yogi is also a 10-week Private -one on one transformational course, based on the wisdom of Yoga and science of Ayurveda and optimal daily rhythms.

Here YOU will learn how to deeply nourish yourselves and be sensitive to our body’s innate wisdom, discover better energy, stronger immunity, and a deep connection to what you most truly desire.

Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge = Is a system of natural healing that originates in the Vedic culture of India. The philosophy behind Ayurveda is the balance and integration between our environment, mind, body and spirit. When we come into better balance, and optimize our systems, a natural joy begins to emerge, We experience greater freedom, vibrant health, and a strong sense of purpose. sense of purpose,

The Benefits

Practicing Yoga and Ayurveda is a great way to regain your well being, both physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s also the perfect way to relax and unwind after a busy summer.

Ayurveda brings you back home to you and teaches you how to honor your bodies basic requirements to heal. The rhythms and practices of Ayurveda also help to prepare your body and mind for the colder months of fall and winter. Healthy habits build strong immunity and slow the aging process to keep you feeling great!

These are only some of the many benefits that you will reap with our Live Like A Yogi course:


Reduced inflammation levels


Your immunity will increase – just in time for flu season


You will feel more grounded and steady


Ayurveda will also help you remove toxins from your system


Improved digestion


You will feel less stressed out and experience more happiness


You’ll experience a natural increase in energy levels

The Live Like A Yogi course is a 10 week program that will help you regain your energy, strength, physical and emotional well being. You’ll feel healthier, happier and ready for the upcoming months.

NEW! ONLINE “Do it yourself, Live Like a Yogi”

Live Like A Yogi : A Supportive Community

The Live Like A Yogi course is not just about the amazing art and science of Yoga and Ayurveda it’s about connection and support!

Be witness to yourself and others as you open to grow and shed what no longer serves to embrace a healthier, more empowered YOU!!! Live Like a Yoga provides a community of like-minded and supportive members. When we allow ourselves to be seen we heal at a much deeper level.

Embark on your journey of natural healing with a strongly rooted support system – You are never alone!

This Is What You Will Learn:


Easy meditation, breathing, mantra and lifestyle practices


How to live with more intention, awareness and happiness


How to connect with seasonal rhythms


Ancient, Universal, and life affirming ways to view life.


How to get yourself “unstuck” and into healthy habits that unlock greater freedom!


Habit change science. -Understand the root of behaviors AND change your life for the better in a way that lasts!

Professional Guidance

The Live Like A Yogi course is led by Andrea Thibaudeau, the owner and director of the Heart Space Yoga Center. She’s an inspirational teacher and has been practicing yoga since the late 1980’s.

Andrea will help you discover your unique gifts and explore your own divinity so you can transform your life.

Andrea’s passion and decades of experience in teaching diverse systems of Yoga (Iyengar, Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinni and therapeutic styles) will help you regain your balance, wellbeing and happiness.

She will teach you how to use the wisdom of Ayurveda in your daily life, so you can feel more grounded, energetic and ready to take on life’s challenges.

With her 15 years of experience as a primary yoga instructor, Andrea will invite you to discover the real possibilities that lie within you, so you can reach your full potential.

NEW! ONLINE “Do it yourself, Live Like a Yogi”

Embark on a beautiful journey of healing and happiness – We guarantee you will experience profound results! Schedule a free conversation HERE to learn more: (802) 626-3398 or email us here.

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

A Fall Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy

It’s that time again! The seasonal shift is here.

Ayurveda recognizes the shift in seasons, and how they affect our body, health, and immune system. Fall time is a time to release excess summer heat and cleanse the body in order to prepare for the decrease of light and colder temperatures.

How would it feel for you to stay healthy through the winter months? Have you been getting sick a lot in past winters? Imagine no more achy joints or coughs that last for three months! Would you like to learn what you can do to improve your well being and immunity?

All those summer BBQ’s and beer….. It’s time for a new chapter. Fall is time for nourishment. Optimally, even our food choices shift with the seasons for balanced and deep nourishment.

If you or someone you know is interested in turning the clocks back to feel younger, more energized, healthy, vibrant, and clear with purpose, please click on this link HERE to schedule a free conversation with Andrea.

Here’s an Ayurvedic Tip for Immunity and Energy:



I’ll be teaching easy tips like this in the upcoming Live Like a Yogi program. This 10 Week program includes:

  • 1-1 guidance through a safe, personally designed cleanse (The first three weeks)
  • One, 3 hour weekly class Fridays for 10 weeks starting Oct. 14
  • 1-1 laser coaching with me to help trouble shoot and engineer practical habit change strategies that work
  • Access to a private FB group for peer support
  • More!

If you or someone you know is interested in turning the clocks back to feel younger, more energized, healthy, vibrant, and clear with purpose, please click on this link HERE.

Let’s schedule a time to chat about how this program can help you get you started on a track toward your best health, better energy, and increased immunity. I would love to talk with you!