Spring Cleanse: Are You IN?
I’ve noticed a shift…..Have you? Even though it’s still a cold, my craving for heavier dense foods has shifted and I am starting to crave the green bitters of Spring! I also sense that familiar urge to purge the clutter and create order. Spring cleaning will soon commence.
This time of year is perfect for cleaning both our inner and outer environments! With the growing daylight, energy is restored and a new beginning is under way! April the Aries month, is a trail blazer of initiation and change!
The energy and freshness of Springtime can support us in making changes that help to clean and clear our systems. Seasonal cleanses are KEY to regulating our health and resetting toward balance.
If you have never tried a cleanse before, imagine this…
What would your house look like if you did not periodically dig in and clean beyond the surface..
You know, like windows, and carpets, and cobwebs!
Believe me, I am NOT a neat freak but how WONDERFUL does it feel when you dig in, get your hands dirty, and spruce things up?
Have you ever felt the energy shift even after a quick vacuum?
It can be felt! It’s real.
You’re body can feel that way too. Orderly, spacious, clear, energized, all of these are the results of detox. It can be so simple too….You do NOT have to fast for weeks or starve yourself. It can be just as easy as shifting to a whole foods plant based diet for a week, cutting back on the toxic intake of unhealthy food, sweets, alcohol, stimulants, stress, and a little less screen time. In general, and we make a shift toward simple and clean in our inner, and outer environments. In general now is a great time to catch up on a bit of rest and rejuvenate before the sun returns full force. Seasonal cleanses will make you a stronger healthier YOU.
These welcomed refuges in Spring and Fall help slow down the aging process and give us time to reflect. Life has the tendency to speed by so fast -especially in this modern age! Without these windows of retreat it’s quite possible we just wake up one day and wonder…What happened? Where has the time gone? A cleanse not only clears the Ama (toxic build up /residue in body mind), but allows us time to slow down and sense into the trajectory we are headed. Is it where you want to go? If not, what a perfect time to make a shift toward true accountability and conscious living.
And best yet, you are NOT alone!
Heart Space Yoga Center’s
7th bi-annual
Spring Time Cleanse!
Heart Space Yoga Studio
Mondays April 23rd, 30th & May 7th 10-12:00 pm
How much?
$97 -BUT… If you can grab a friend…It’s B.O.G.O FREE (Two for the cost of ONE!
We need at LEAST 10 people in our group to make it GO!
One hour information packed lecture and personal support
Private Facebook Group connection
Accountability partners -if interested
Weekly cleanse recordings
One hour detox yoga classes when we meet
Tips / Talk on Spring organization & How to CLEAR IT OUT -from expert coach & guest teacher Rebecca Hill-Larson
Here’s what the process looks like:
WEEK ONE: April 23rd 10-12:00 pm
Take Inventory. Evaluate Your Starting Point. What are your goals?
Where is there toxic accumulation? How do you feel physically, mentally, emotionally? What habits are you repeating you KNOW aren’t serving you? Where is there imbalance or excess?
Practical ways to take baby steps to reduce toxic intake and begin to clear the gunk. Modern habit change science and brain plasticity research will support us with effective ways to create a new grooves in our behaviors ONE STEP AT A TIME!
One hour Detox Yoga Class -ALL LEVELS
WEEK TWO: April 30th 10-12:00 pm
Choose your cleanse. Begin to go deep.
Based on your current conditions, you can choose either a mild, rejuvenating cleanse, or full Detox, or some where in between There are many options. I will help you discover what your body is ready for. This second week is the main body of the cleanse.
You will learn what to eat, when, and how to effectively cleanse with techniques from yoga and Ayurveda.
If your are new to cleansing, often it’s best to start small. Let’s face it… huge goals are great and all that, but sometimes, those humongous goals are the very thing that sabotage and derail our success.
Aries NEW MOON Ritual. Set your intentions and dreams ablaze. The manifesting current of the Aries New Moon on this day will be a perfect way to end our cleanse and plant the seeds for the next sun cycle.
One Hour Detox Yoga Class -ALL LEVELS
WEEK THREE: May 7th 10-12:00 pm
The new YOU!! Now we reevaluate. What is it that you can now (once your inner and outer space are more clear) live without? Chances are, that chocolate or third piece of pizza might not taste as good to you Once your taste buds have been cleansed and your digestive tract restored, there is greater clarity and communication happening in your body. You may even find you start to crave what is GOOD for you instead of those “quick fixes”. You may be SURPRISED!!
One Hour Detox Yoga Class -ALL LEVELS
MEETING TIMES: Every Monday for THREE WEEKS, 10-12:30
What is included?
One weekly cleanse recording. Your “home study” inspiration when you need it.
Private Facebook Page for better connection, accountability, and support.
Accountability partner if you want one!
One hour Cleanse talk and interactive studies
One hour Detox Yoga Class
Lecture from Rebecca Hill Larson Organizational Coach!