As women, our societal structure expects and demands so much of us.
-At the studio last week we had some great dialogue around what it’s like to be a “modern woman”.
Women these days, take on so many roles! Homemaker, mother, successful career person, school supporter, and loving partner are just a few to mention. Oh, ya, in addition, we should be fit and healthy, have the house clean and be cheerful and inspiring to boot. Wow. This is a lot to take on! First and formost, to allievieate stress, we have to:
- Realize we cannot do it all. We simply cannot be everything to all people.
- Get very clear about what is most important to us
- Be realisitc about what we hold ourselves resonsible for.
Creating healthy boundaries is key for health, balance, and success. This, in combination with SELF CARE, is critical.
READ HERE to check out a short article I wrote for
10 Tips to Help With Stress!